Monday, May 01, 2006

Celebrating Mom's birthday

Very happy to be celebrating mom's birthday today. Though it is only a simple eat out dinner at Fisherman's Village, it was quite a happy event for me. Think the main reason would be that i am sitting there, enjoying the meal with my family. It was quite cooling but a slight drizzle prevented us from sitting under the stars and enjoying the salty breeze beside the sea.

What a different experience it was as compared to last year. Can't really remember much though, probably near the end of a chemotheraphy cycle ... or going chemo soon ard this time last year. Cos i did remember to ask the Doc to schedule my chemo dates after birthdays, public holis and stuff.... so that i could actually enjoy them with frens or family.

Wow!! 1 month to go before my trip to Europe, 2 more months before my 1st anniversary of being in remission. heh heh... its great to be alive!! =D

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