Saturday, March 01, 2008

Rainy day today

Came back after filling up with Shell 95 for my baby vios. =) Since the car is wet, decided to give it a wash. After polishing it for CNY, the car is rather shiny and only need to touch up once a while.

Unfortunately, have to wash once a week cos it there are always soot deposit on the car after 5 days at Jurong island. once i made the mistake of not washing it off till 2 weeks later, then kana stain on the paintwork. Lucky can still remove using Duragloss #521.

Tada! The before and after pictures, the shine is nice, maybe take a few in the sun later. =P

And yes, i like the shine. =P Silver ride cos it is the showroom car, can get some discount off. ;P yes yes.. cheapo me, lucky the colour is ok with me. And my car starts will SJB, collected on 28th Dec 07. Singapore-Johor Bahru? Or just Sin Jia Bo..... =P

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