Had dinner at Ajisen in Funan, nice decor but rather i found the lighting rather dim. Cosy and not much of a crowd, so not that bad. Apparently, it was Butler's first time eating there, and his chopsticks welding skills were up to mark (after 8 years? of course). The salmon sushi (side dish) was not that fantastic, however, the ramen and prawn mayonnaise were as fantastic as ever.
As it was a treat for the team for their efforts and also in 'celebration' of me receiving a best project certificate, i also presented the gifts to everyone. Extremely happy to know that they loved it. As u can see their reactions in the pictures. Kaixin placed it on immediately, while butler found the helmet to be a tad too small (pHd aka permanent head damage.. that's why. The bruise of knowledge stays there forever =P). yongxi placed it on his head like a veteran motorcycle uncle while roy was thinking of whether it will flatten his spiky hair. =P

After the dinner, went over to Swensen's for dessert. as kx and butler was having sore throat, the 4 of us enjoyed the fries, mushrooms and calamari rings + sinful ice cream flavours (2 x topless 5s) while the 2 of them shared healthy flavoured ice cream (1 x topless 5 - lime sherbet, and strawberry, i think)
To live up to my nickname of yayaseng (yaya = boastful), below are the 2 different certificates for the SAME award, except one is from Singapore branch, while the other flew in from UK. Although no prize money, but still, i had 2 wonderful dinner receptions and yongxi get to crash the 2nd reception. =D Without the help of Prof David Butler and my fellow teammates, this would not have been possible. Thus once again, thank you guys n gals. =D

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