It has been quite some time since i had photos up on my blog. Managed to get some photos of what we have been doing so far.
We have Kai Xin working on her solar cells, apparantly laser cutting failed and thus we may not be cutting our cells unless we have more time on hand to try femto-laser cutting.
Setting up the jig for welding of chassis is underway and so is sawing of the blocks. Found out that the wood is HARD to saw, but we have to cut it down to smaller sizes before using the band saw to turn it into usable blocks. I had sore muscles (triceps) for 2 days ... looks like no IPPT is not such a good thing after all.
Finally, the makan at triple 3 resturant, of which the standards had dropped significantly... tsk tsk... nonetheless, it was a good dinner. Thank you Prof Butler!!!
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