Today went fishing with yx and john. Its my second time with yx and 1st with john... ar then... hehehe. Going to Changi to fish, so met yx and john at tampines.
I went to post the order form to Mitsuba at singpost tampines, but realised that a registered letter which costs S$3.30 will take more than 1 week to reach, so i opted for the fastest way, and it cost $26++. Ouch!! But no choice, lets hope that the order form is accepted and we can get the critical hub motor.
So i was late in meeting them, so met at ntuc instead, where we bought bait, water and 12 cans of beer for yx and john... mainly John. haha. Looks like americans need beer, lots of beer.
Took bus 29 and alighted at one end of changi walk and walked towards changi village. Found a ok spot, a 'jetty' which was fenced and posted as dangerous, but we went in anyway. Lots of rocks and John had his sinker stuck in the rocks twice, and yx and i had one each. It as drizzling but as we were about to leave, yx caught one small fish, which was thrown back into the sea. John and i were empty handed but we headed to changi village for late lunch, and this proved to be a good move as the rain gotten much bigger as we reached the market.
Round 2 of fishing started after makan, buying the hole saw for the chassis tubing and some 4D buying. This time, all of us landed fish, and i got an eel, which was the only fish that died cos it twisted itself with the fishing line and ...... there was nothing i can do. HIaz......
Left at 7pm for home and took yx and john for dinner with my family. John enjoyed the nonya style steam fish the most among cereal prawns and pork ribs. Treated my dad, yx and john for father's day, helping me getting 2nd upper and helping out tremendously with the solar car project respectively. 3 birds with one stone.... heh heh.
Rather tired, was thinking of playing basketball tomorrow, but oh well.... didnt bring back my spare specs.. so probably not going. =P