Sunday, February 11, 2007

Haha .. new specs on the way

Went to Katong Shopping Centre today, Jamco Optical, where i had great service and good price for my specs and shades. Got myself a new pair of nose pads free!! and a new pair of glasses too!

Did realise that my present pair of black specs is flaking off paint here and there but didnt realise that i bought them in 2001 until i read my card at the shop. S$90 that lasted me 5 years, it is time for it to be retired to be the 'for sports use' specs. And i think auntie would be pleased to have me buying new specs, as it will mean that she would expect me in another 4~5 years time!!

Really weird when trying out the new specs, choosing took some time but luckily, due to my rather broad face, only a few designs available for me. Total of abt 6~7 options (some rather similar), i was comfortable with 2. And had to get the auntie's opinion before deciding on one. In a sense she was right, the one that she rejected was because it had similar shape with the current specs, except that it is silver-chrome in colour.

Since i can only see myself with the new specs in the mirror close to me, i wonder how i would look like from far. Lets hope i can recognise myself with the new specs. =P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sEnG...DoNt WoRrY HoW u look fRom Far lAh...aS THE sAYinG goes....BeauTiFUl fRom fAr
........fAr fRom beauTifuL.....