Looking at the sign at the back of the van ..... what would be your 1st reaction? Just wondering what the company is dealing with to come out with a logo such as this. Interesting though. =)
This picture was taken at the Spanish steps in Rome, Italy. As the van zipped passed me, was laughing away before trying out a shot at it. Luckily had a good cam which captured the picture quite sharply despite the van being in motion.
Now.... don't be shy, do tell what was the 1st impression of the picture? Shout it out in the tagboard. =)
Hmm... Initially couldn't really think of anything of the logo until I deviate to the evil side... Muahahaha~ Then it all seemed so clear... Anyway, is the company doing what I'm thinking it's doing?
Muhahaha .. actually i have no idea too. Apparantly, they came up with similar designs with K and H. Heh heh...
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