Looks like its going to be a weekly update of my blog nowadays. =P Loads had happened this past week. An ex student of Wheng had been knocked down by a car, and was in a coma for 2 days before passing away on around midnight on Wed. We had visited her for 2 nights at the ICU in CGH, praying for her to pull through. Rather saddened by the news although I didn't know her.
Well, life goes on and yes, reminded me again on the importance of my family and friends, though i must say that i need no reminding. Celebrated mother's birthday on 1st May. Actually wanted to bring her for fishing competition, but no competition was held cos of the higher costs nowadays. Thus only went for dinner at Long Beach restaurant, where the portions seemed to have gotten smaller although the price remained the same. =P
Quite happening in the workplace. With the drive towards reliability, will be tweaking the bad actors list and some reports. Good news is that the people there are having more confidence in me as my recommendations (some with help of my senior colleagues + supervisor) are proven to be effective. Ideas are being accepted, aka less challenged, as I have a bit more experience from other similar pumps and thus can provide better justifications. Not so good news would be that I will probably be leaving Seraya by June, leaving after getting into the job and having to start all over again ... hmmmm... well. At least I am leaving Seraya wtih goodwill and had contributed to Seraya in my short stay of about 6 months now.
Wonder how the GTKY session will be on 8th May. If i get to choose between Dubai and Singapore posting, I will ask for Dubai. Since I am still 'young', think should seize the opportunity to head out and explore other countries. In theory, I would be able to put more efforts into self development over there as I will not have the chance to play mahjong, meet up with friends etc. Instead, starting would be able to concentrate on picking up whatever skills i need to do well in my new role and to make new friends and have some self development within the next 3 years. Furthermore, hopefully by the time i come back, I would have healthy savings and the property market is in the lull. =P
Changed my engine oil to full synthetic 5w-30, Pennzoil platinum, which is owned by Shell actually. Chose this over Shell Helix as Shell Helix only comes in 5w-40, which i will use only when my engine gets older. =P Hopefully my fuel efficiency will increase from the current average of 14.8km/l.