...since i last blogged. A month had passed. A very eventful month actually.
Chinese New Year went by in a flash, then very soon, it will be March already. Full of good news, and a bit of bad.
Bad news first: I will not be able accomplish my goal of completing my book by end Feb, given the tight schedule and mainly because of my procrastination. =P Will take it in small steps then, starting 2nd week of March, I will devote some time to writing my book and to exercise too! That leads me to my 2nd bad news ... had not been exercising much this past month. =P ..... hmmm ... not much negative news anymore, but will be taking steps to improve on my time management and go forth and do it instead of lazing around.
Basically, downside of having a car is being able to go to places in a very short time, thus ... i literally drove about to places for meet ups, makan and mahjong. =P By being away from home, my time in front of computer dropped drastically, so.. less blogging.
Good news now... starting with Fantastic news: I received my CT scan and blood tests results today. All clear!!! =D Thus almost 3 years in remission liao, and the next appointment is in Aug, so looks like i have been upgraded to review every 6 months instead of 3. Reducing both costs, pain and fear. =)
This CNY was very fruitful, being able to meet up with quite a number of friends, and had also taken the effort to thank my relatives for their support during my period of illness. =) Still have tons of people to meet and chat up, but i guess this will go into my time management schedule. Need to catch up with friends more often.
Phyllis just gotten married last Fri, and so will Weicheng and Claren this Sunday. So happy for them, and it will be fun going to their wedding dinner (had fun and laughter at Phyllis') and looking forward to it. Wishing them happiness in their marriage. =D
Will be flying off to KL for a course this Sun. A week in KL and flying back next Friday night, just in time for Wheng's birthday. heh.
So ... time flies and there are so many things that i want to do, but difficult to arrange and have everyone to meet up for gathering. Guess that is the main difference between studying and working. While studying, meeting up is easy as the time table is fixed, now, takes a bit of effort. Guess i will be asking for Chee lay's help in getting a chalet this Nov liao.
a secret project is also on my mind, definitely bigger than the solar car project, more exciting and challenging. Hopefully i can get enough support and luck for this to go through. ;P