This week is supposed to be the recess week. To take a break, have a rest etc etc. But instead, i find myself having to do up Solidwork models of the suspension, meetings and rushing MP3001 assignment.
Tough... very tough. Hope i get to understand 3001 before the exams. =P Right now is to concentrate on completing the assignment before moving on to learning/revising on Maths 3 (2006) and Fluids (4005). At least the GE on 'Mental health: Are you OK?' quiz should not be that much of a problem. And it would be next week on the 5th of Oct. Maths 3 on 18 Oct, 4005 still unknown. Lets hope i didnt miss out on any quiz.
Swam with the guys this afternoon, was rather fun. Still wondering if i should go swimming tomorrow or Taiji... hmmm.
Should be heading home tomorrow night. Thinking of spending more time with family, feel that i stay in hall too much. i guess thats the sagittarius in me. Freedom and independence!!!

Here's a picture you may see in 20 year's time? Where going to pee will cost you 1,10 EUROS!! Yes!! This is from Berlin, Zoological Garden train station's toilets. If you really need to pee here, it will cost you ... S$2.20. So lets stop complaining that that 20 cents toilet in Singapore is expensive.
Btw, the toilet at MacDonald's close to this place also needs payment when i was there back in 2002. Didn't check it out this time round though. =P
Tough... very tough. Hope i get to understand 3001 before the exams. =P Right now is to concentrate on completing the assignment before moving on to learning/revising on Maths 3 (2006) and Fluids (4005). At least the GE on 'Mental health: Are you OK?' quiz should not be that much of a problem. And it would be next week on the 5th of Oct. Maths 3 on 18 Oct, 4005 still unknown. Lets hope i didnt miss out on any quiz.
Swam with the guys this afternoon, was rather fun. Still wondering if i should go swimming tomorrow or Taiji... hmmm.
Should be heading home tomorrow night. Thinking of spending more time with family, feel that i stay in hall too much. i guess thats the sagittarius in me. Freedom and independence!!!

Here's a picture you may see in 20 year's time? Where going to pee will cost you 1,10 EUROS!! Yes!! This is from Berlin, Zoological Garden train station's toilets. If you really need to pee here, it will cost you ... S$2.20. So lets stop complaining that that 20 cents toilet in Singapore is expensive.
Btw, the toilet at MacDonald's close to this place also needs payment when i was there back in 2002. Didn't check it out this time round though. =P